16" Horizontal Bench-Top Comparator System Standard Features o Hi / Low Enhanced 150 watt iiiumination System o Fuii Usabie 16" Viewing Screen o 10" X axis and 6" Yaxis Stage Travei o Cross Roiier Bearings o Buiit-in Heiix Stage o Quick Reiease 'X" Travei o Sturdy Aii-Metai Design o Erect Opticai image o Bayonet Lens Mount o Easy-View Verticai Screen o Eiectronic Screen Protractor (ESP).Įlectronic Measuring Systems Standard Digital Readout Deluxe Measurement Software Available Options Basic DigitalReadout 612R Standard Features o 2 Axis Readwt o 3 Point RadllJS o Pdor Coordinates o 9 PointStore andRecall o Datum Reference o Inch/Metric o Preset MPC-Sġ When you think of accurate moosurement, think of Deltronic As a leader and innovator In high-accuracy products fa over forty years, we have bem designing and manufacturing systems and sdutions for thousands of applications m a worldwide basis, We feel cur success was achieved bocause our gool has always bem to deliver qual~y products backed by excellent service at fair prices, It always will be, DH216. When you think of accurate moosurement, think of Deltronic As a leader and innovator In high-accuracy products fa over forty years, we have bem designing and manufacturing systems and sdutions for thousands of applications m a worldwide basis, We feel cur success was achieved bocause our gool has always bem to deliver qual~y products backed by excellent service at fair prices, It always will be, DH216. Example: dental hygienist Search Deltronic Optical Comparator DH-216